For older students, the story of the Iranian election and the protests following may be fascinating. Living as we do in a country founded by revolution, one may try to find parallels here. For instance, an aspect seldom considered is the economic consequence of these protests. We see people marching in the streets (even though little information is allowed out of the country right now), we consider the personal risk taken by the marchers, but how often do we
consider what this does to the economic structure of the country? This may inspire students of history to dig a little deeper into the economic consequences of the American revolution. Of course, the economies of early America and of modern Iran are vastly different; still, the impact of the revolution went well beyond what the fighting men experienced.
It may be that nothing in Iran will change. It may be that we are witnessing history in the making.
I cannot help but root for anyone fighting for liberty, and I wish these protesters success.
This link is to a YouTube video highlighting some scenes from the Iranian protests underway. The soundtrack is great, and the scenes stirring. However, I did not embed the video because some of the scenes are bloody. Use your discretion in following the link.
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