A side benefit of our recent trip to Monte Vista was the purchase of some nice potatoes, which happened to be purple in color. I thought of our upcoming Friday evening soup and bread supper at our Parish (this normally follows Evening Prayer, and precedes the Stations of the Cross). I thought it might be fun for the kids, and certainly it would be the proper liturgical color!
The image above shows one uncooked potato with the skin intact, one peeled. I learned that to keep the color, the potatoes should be baked or microwaved, then added to the soup stock (in our case, for Lent, we use either just plain old water or a home-made vegetable stock). I found there is less waste if the potato is cooked skin on, then peeled before being added to the stock. Some herbs and salt, a little milk to make it creamier, and you have purple soup.
Most thought it tasted very good. One young lady wouldn't try it because of the color. The purple potatoes have a little different flavor, perhaps a bit sweeter.
Still, a fun dish to make and serve.
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