Monday, July 14, 2008

Idaho adventure

Our youngest daughter just returned from an eight-day trip with her grandparents. She is an adventurous type, and aside form some slight homesickness (and a bit of disobedience that caused Grandma second thoughts) she did quite well. Got to spend some time with my sister and her husband, who live at a distance, and some time with distant cousins, and even rode a horse.

Her sister has made this trip in past years, and was more homesick. That may be part of the reason she preferred to stay at home this year. Also, she got her own room for a whole week. She doesn't like to admit it, but I think she missed her little sister.

As usual, your humble author figured on having some free time, since the little one was gone and the older girl likes her independence. Free time means time to work on my business, and on projects of my own choosing. I was wrong again. Between Vacation Bible School at the church, and an unexpected call out of town to attend our Diocesan Synod, I had less time than usual. Always seems to work out that way.

Well, we are glad to have our baby girl home. All is back to normal... complete chaos.

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