Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Disaster Averted

The sad crying of my little girl. Momma's voice: "Go show Daddy, maybe he can help." A disaster in the making...

On our recent vacation we forgot our camera. Rather than spend $10 - $15 each on a couple of disposables (plus $15+ per roll for developing and printing) I drove 40 miles to the nearest WalMart to buy an inexpensive digital camera.

I know, this is a link to Amazon, not WalMart, but this is the camera. And what a treat! This was a gift to our youngest, who was a bit jealous that big sister has a camera, Mommy has a camera, Daddy has a camera.... Well, big sister was given a camera for our second trip to China, so she got to take pictures of her new baby sister. This was updated to a Nikon digital camera within a few years. I think it is time baby sister gets her own camera - an inexpensive one, as she is like a bull in a china shop at times.

As I said, a treat. She documented our entire trip (and her inventory of the stuffed animals that came along), and was kind enough to let Momma use it from time to time. She got some great pictures.

But when we got home, we did not download the pictures to our computer hard drive. And at some point, when baby girl was trying to delete one picture, she deleted the entire flash drive. The absolute grief she displayed was something I had never seen from her before. Time for Daddy to put on his Superman cape and fly into action!

Actually, I did a relatively quick search and found a freeware solution to our problem. Free for individual users, easy to use, this software allowed us to recover all the deleted files. What a blessing! And we have one happy girl now.